Website Privacy Policy

The following statement will help you understand how Portal de Vehículos. (Hereafter referred to as Portal de Vehículos) collects, uses, and safeguards the personally identifying information provided when using Portal de Vehículos’s website, when products, processes or information are requested, or whenever any other communication is made with Portal de Vehículos. For the purposes of this Policy, “personally identifying information” is defined as all data, such as name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address that can be used to locate or identify individuals. At Portal de Vehículos, it is a priority to protect the privacy of personally identifying information. Visitors or users of Portal de Vehículos’s solutions and websites are subject to important limitations. Please review our Conditions of Use, which govern your visit to this site on the World Wide Web.

Collected information

When browsing Portal de Vehículos’s website, users browse anonymously, unless a product or process is requested, email is sent, or a request for information is submitted. Portal de Vehículos does not collect or store any personal information, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, or e-mail addresses, unless the users knowingly and willingly provide it. When an online order for products or processes is placed or made, Portal de Vehículos collects only the basic information, such as name, organization or company affiliation, mailing address, title, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, which is information that is necessary to fulfill the transaction requested. Users may request information, make a suggestion, or ask Portal de Vehículos a question. When doing so, users must provide certain information, such as name, title, organization or company, type of organization, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address, so that the request may be processed. Portal de Vehículos may use the personal information provided to contact users about their registration, to provide announcements about products, processes and future events, to conduct customer surveys, to respond to inquiries and suggestions, or to contact users for other reasons related to offering and improving the services provided. Portal de Vehículos may use and share all of this information, subject to applicable law, with its subsidiaries and affiliates, and with other reputable companies that wish to offer products and services, in which Portal de Vehículos’s customers may be interested. Portal de Vehículos does not allow other people, companies or entities to collect personal information through its website.


Portal de Vehículos offers users choices as to how it will use the personally identifying information that is submitted through this website. The choices made by the users include both Portal de Vehículos’s primary uses, which is to allow the requested transaction, and Portal de Vehículos’s supplementary uses (such as disclosing information to non affiliated third parties). Users may advise Portal de Vehículos of their preferences by e-mail. Portal de Vehículos will allow the requested user instructions only with respect to information on file. If further user information is submitted, Users must advise further instructions with respect to the new information. Users must be aware that Portal de Vehículos may be unable to delete user historical information and the information of former customers from our records.


Upon request, Portal de Vehículos will give users access to their personal information that is submitted through the website. Portal de Vehículos may allow users to review the personal information submitted, and to correct inaccurate information.


Only adults may use the Portal de Vehículos web site or participate in transactions with Portal de Vehículos. Portal de Vehículos does not knowingly use their website to solicit data from or market to anyone under the age of 18.


Portal de Vehículos’s Web server may write a “cookie,” a small computer file, to the user’s hard drive. Portal de Vehículos may use cookies to enhance user’s on-line experience, to facilitate the use of the web site, and to collect statistics about user visits to the site. The cookies used by this site do not contain personally identifying information, such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, or credit card information.

Most web browsers allow users to exercise control over cookie files on your computer by erasing them, blocking them, or notifying users when such files are received. Please refer to the web browser’s instructions for information on those functions.


The security of customer information is very important to Portal de Vehículos, therefore, a great number of steps are taken to safeguard it. After receiving your personally identifying information, Portal de Vehículos maintains reasonable physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect it from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, loss, or destruction. Portal de Vehículos limits access to those employees who assist in providing the services ordered. Portal de Vehículos also requires that third parties to which personally identifying information is disclosed adhere to Portal de Vehículos’s policies and establish information security procedures of their own.

When users request a product or process, the information is transmitted through a secure Internet connection.

How We Protect Social Security Numbers

Portal de Vehículos may collect Social Security numbers (“SSNs”) in the course of business. Portal de Vehículos strives to protect the confidentiality and security of SSNs in its possession, custody, or control by limiting access to SSNs and maintaining reasonable safeguards to protect against their loss, misuse, or unlawful disclosure.

Linked Internet Sites

Portal de Vehículos may establish relationships with reputable business partners by creating a link between our sites. Although these sites are carefully approved, Portal de Vehículos is not responsible for the content, maintenance, or privacy policies of those sites. Once a user clicks over to a third-party site, Portal de Vehículos encourages users to check that site’s privacy policy.

Portal de Vehículos Privacy Concerns

Portal de Vehículos’s privacy and security policies demonstrate our responsibility to the users from and about whom information is received, and to its customers, who rely on Portal de Vehículos to safeguard the information they report. If there are any questions or concerns about Portal de Vehículos’s privacy and security policies, please feel free to contact Portal de Vehículos.